A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | |
1 | Timestamp | Question For Kai | Question For CJ | Question For Naj | Question For Jash | Question For Wibu | Question For NubCool | Question For Floot | Question For Pure | Question For Random | Question For Lefty | Question For Nat | Question For Mice | Question For Pesky | Question For Azarth |
2 | 30/12/2023 22:26:51 | idk | do u hab anger issues | when u quit bs | why u no sleep | where do u live :demon: | random is more cooler tbh | are u still ded brother | why are you epic and not legendary | why are u kindacool and not COOL | what games can u handle on your pc | lesbian | are you sad cus we bully u | password key | e |
3 | 30/12/2023 22:34:46 | How do u enjoy your morning | How did u create your oc or thought of your oc | Did u enjoy your sleep once u finished editing and making the award show | How are u always online | How do u enjoy your morning | Do u drink coffee | How do u enjoy your evening | How do u feel when lazer keep getting your name wrong before he got it right in the end | Do u enjoy your day well | How do u feel getting the best member award | Who taught you art | What is your address | How do u eat | How do u enjoy your day |
4 | 30/12/2023 22:48:22 | Why does Kai hate wibu when doing tourney so much | - | Your story Abt your school sounds fake ngl is it true | When tf do you sleep | Why are you sucha sweat you niyyer | - | When 10k kills in the strongest battlegrounds | What's your full rl name | Where do you live | Who is your favorite hololive vtuber | When face reveal | Why are you so cringe and such a attention seeker | - | - |
5 | 30/12/2023 22:57:01 | Where do you get the stuff for prizes in Tourneys? | - | How did you get the idea for touch grass | why you change name bacon???? | - | How did you come up with your oc? | why did you disapear for so long? | How did you learr roblox scripting? | how did you come up with your name? | - | - | - | how did you come upo with your name | hello :) |
6 | 30/12/2023 22:58:41 | why are you forever imortal and sound like no puberty | why do you animate stik figures | who do you think is the biggest NIYER | why you so anime niyer | why you no life niyer | why you good at art niyer | why your name floot | how you got into game dev | im so cool | why are you from fnaf | why nat and not rei | wwhy are you annoying | why do you tryhard in item asylum | why are you dead |
7 | 30/12/2023 23:21:49 | Origins of the chicken OC? | What started your passion for animating? | What gave you the idea of starting the Touch Grass Series? | Why do you like bacon? | What made you addicted to arcane odyssey | What is your favorite hobby? | Where have you been? | Nah, i'd win | How did you come up with randomkindacool and the word niyar? | Are you actually dark and left handed? | If you could travel back in time, where would you go? | Why do you like Mices so much? | What does your name mean? | Why do you take so many naps? |
8 | 30/12/2023 23:40:38 | Why chicken? | U liek vegemite?(how much u eat per day) | How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? | Spell ICUP | Fav gaem (specifically roblox but anything else is ok) | Its me :D | Thing u liek about the gang | Fav banana? | On a scale of 1-10,how random are u? | Say one word that comes to ure mind rn | Fav color (cuz why not) | Fav mouse (in movies,shows,etc) | Why the angy bird hair?? | On a scale of 1-10,how bad is your internet rn? |
9 | 30/12/2023 23:46:23 | Why are you like this | Can we do an art collab :3 -Pesky | Hey man, are you okay? Looking at your status makes me concerned at how you’re doing | Who are you LOL | Are you actually a Weeb | Are you gay | Can you play the flute | Leak progress for Poopa rpg pls | You are NOT Random. | Are you still horny like last year | Thoughts on the Pokémon Natu | Were you born in the year of the mouse | When are you getting a girlfriend | How’s life going |
10 | 31/12/2023 00:45:47 | Chicken Breast or Thighs? | How long have you been animating for? | Out of the 4 pro players in Tribe, which one do you like the most and why? | When did you start to game on desktop a lot more often and why | How many tournaments have you won here | What roblox games do you play often or the most? | Are you planning to start gaming on a desktop more often like the other CLN gang members? | How long since you play Geometry Dash | is your name actually darren | Gardevoir or Weedussy | This might seem random but just for the sake of my curiosity, did Laxx unfriended, blocked, or did anything that prevents you from DMing him? | On a scale of 1-10, how good is Boblox Bedwars in your opinion | How long have you known Najhan for | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16VPNDujnam9NZArzNsUH7L89GvyJDm20qmvKX4onMXA/edit#gid=0 |
11 | 31/12/2023 02:08:59 | why are you gay? ( ps: naj you better read the question) | why didn't you just follow the damn train CJ? | on a scale of 1-10 how much do you hate not having pc? | when overflow watchtogether ? ( ps: naj you better read the question) | how many times do you jerk off a day? ( ps: naj you better read the question) | when face reveal? | how do you feel about biske's death? | who do you hate the most in the cln gang? (ps: just answered is pure no pressure) | what ever happened to your crush, did it developed to a relationship or nah? | los pinguinos me la van a mascar (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=a593af9b7c92da2fJmltdHM9MTcwMzg5NDQwMCZpZ3VpZD0xYWVjZjI2Mi0zY2Y5LTYxMWMtMzY5NC1lMWQ2M2RhZjYwZDMmaW5zaWQ9NTI0Mw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1aecf262-3cf9-611c-3694-e1d63daf60d3&psq=los+pinguinos+me+la+van+a+mascar&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj1SLTN6bW12alZxSQ&ntb=1) | who is your favorite vtuber and why? | when will you hit puberty? | who are you again? | when play with bill goatee again? |